Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weekend Peinture

At the very beginning of these past vacations (the Friday 22nd to Sunday the 23rd) I was still at my second host family; the Huet- Le Bris family.
Because of this, Friday after a half day of school I returned to the town center to meet up with my host mom. This was because I was to get my hair cut! Now don't get to excited the idea was just a little trim and overall up keep, because after being six months in France I still had not gone one time to the hair dressers.


And was I missing out.  I do not know about the rest of hair salons in France but this one sure was a real treat (thanks mumu). There was even a relaxing heated massage chair for the washing station.
Picture of before
In between 

And after :)
Ready for the weekend, Saturday and Sunday were supposed to be "painting days".
My host parents had both invited family members and friends to help out on the job, and I was no exception. By the end of Saturday we were already finished!

Host Grand- Mother on team  "borders"

I handled the entryway in this groovy white suit.

Lets just say there is room to improve..
She is the one who took pity on me and let me borrow the garment so that I was not in my pajamas.

And that was it for the weekend and for my second host family as I was picked up Sunday after noon by a rotary member (Hubert) and his grandkids to spend the week with them.

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