Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My 17th birthday part 1

First of all I want to take a moment to thank everyone. Thank you all for the phone calls, cards and messages that were sent to me for my birthday. I am grateful to have you all in my life.

Starting of the day like any other day I went to school.. only thing remarkable is the my French friend Louisiana had brought a little present for me and together we went to the pastry shop just before lunch (maybe not the best idea because we were uncomfortably full afterwards).
Later that evening I returned home from my classes and spoke with several of you nontabily my German friend Martha until the arrival of my host mother.
That night my host mother, Victorine made a chocolate cake and let me choose our meal. We then watched the film Amelie Poulain (which I found magnificent all though strange).

Below are the photos that were taken the day of my birthday.

Then as a present she presented me with a shirt I had picked out earlier in the week as a well as a ticket to see a spectacle 1789 les amants de la bastille.

Here are the pictures taken from that Saturday at the musical comedy:

Unfortunately the quality of the pictures are not great but what I was trying to capture was the essence of the moment and the beautifully detailed costumes. 

This was an especial memorable moment for me as I knew all the words to the song seeing it live was nearly breathtaking.

Now I am not sure if you all are familiar with the spectacle but it is truly a great spectacle and "very French" as it is based on the revolution.

Here is a glimpse if you wish at what the spectacle was like (as well as one of the well known songs),
simply click the link below:
Video / Song Translation

Once again thank you all for the birthday wishes and now if you wish onto part two of my birthday in France ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yo creo que este espectaculo fue e mejor regalo que pudiste recibir. Muy merecido para ti mi amorcito, y muy amable y especial de Victorine :)
