Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Visit express- Normandy

Here I go with yet another thing that happened during the vacations.
OK, so the ninth and tenth of March I arrived around 10:30 to my new host family, with all my baggage's (they keep multiplying I swear) and not half an hour later we were of an and the road.
You see the cousin of my host sister was having her twenty second birthday party that same night in Normandy which happens to be a good two hours from here so we really had to get get going.
Once arrived the mother of my host mother greeted us with a warm plate of vegetarian lasagna and the regional cheeses.
Then once dined I took a quick tour of the town of Caens with my host mother, Victorine Obst. Followed by a trip to Ikea.
What a pretty town, wish I had more time to explore it.

Caens in its glory.

In the downtown of Caens where there are not a lot of ancient buildings left due to the war.

One of the many used and antique book stores downtown.

Stopped  by Ikea to buy a new bedside lamp for my room.
Funny magnets that exploit the love the inhabitants of Normandy have for there cheeses.

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