Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring/ Poetry Week

                                    Spring is like a perhaps hand
by E. E. Cummings

Spring is like a perhaps hand 
(which comes carefully 
out of Nowhere)arranging 
a window,into which people look(while 
people stare
arranging and changing placing 
carefully there a strange 
thing and a known thing here)and

changing everything carefully

spring is like a perhaps 
Hand in a window 
(carefully to 
and fro moving New and 
Old things,while 
people stare carefully 
moving a perhaps 
fraction of flower here placing 
an inch of air there)and
without breaking anything.

Wondering why I started today's blog post by a poem? Well, first of all to wish you a happy spring, and as for the second reason, you will have to read on to find out.

Understanding that there are a plethora of national events, holidays or weeks that go unmentioned, I decided to share with you an event that is often undermined here in France; le printemps des poètes.
Created, in 1999 with the aim of making students discover more about  poetry, this years edition took place from March 9th to 24th.
There are more than 12 000 events that are organized in France and abroad, in schools, libraries, theaters, libraries, hospitals, etc..

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be invited by a a rotary member to an enchanting afternoon. Taking place in an ancient manor,girls school and in today's  day event hall there was a performance by a singer as well as a pianist.

A recital of a future performance that the duo will have in Paris.Our ears where pleased to hear a variety of French poems (by Paul Bourget, Victor Hugo, Théophile Gautier, Maurice Careme,Paul Verlaine..) sang in soprano to the melodies and comp-tines of several well known composers ( Claude Debussy, Reynaldo Hahn, Francis Poulenc,Gabriel Fauré..).
All I have to say was that it was a marvelous way to end " poetry week" as well as the weekend.
Now as for you, I hope that this spring will bring plenty of pleasant surprises and changes. Until next time (or see you soon for my grandparents) :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Visit de le Gouvernour- 1720

Attached are the pictures that were taken by my host clubs' president, Bruno Flechard, of the district governors visit to our Rotary club. This "governor" happens to be Michel Bezault which we are lucky enough to have as a regular member of our Rotary club. Because of this instead of giving him a whole tour of the town we simply got down to business; dinner in a delightfully classy hotel/ chateau. ( please excuse the delay, as just yesterday I got a hold of the pictures)

Birthday Part 2 / Presentation

      Yesterday would have normally been a regular Rotary meeting, but it was everything but that.
This is because it was me who was giving the presentation. In fact I gave a presentation about where I come from; the state of Oregon. While I would have loved to share a bit about Colombia as well, having a certain time limit, it was not ideal for me as well as my audience.
Instead I focused on introducing Oregon as a whole (state flag, population,industries..) and then moved onto the regions.
Covering a whole spectrum of details from the agriculture, sports and must see destinations I attempted to inform the members of my host club, of all I possibly could.
Lastly, proudly finishing by my town, school, family and friends I think I left a positive image of Oregon. I was also glad to hear several appreciative comments (both on my presentation and state)at the end. With one of the ones that truly struck me, being that for one them they could not imagine that there still existed unpolluted and undomesticated panoramas in the United States.
Finally after a round of applause we headed over to dine, and was I in for a treat!

At the end of the meal the lights were suddenly dimmed and a cake appeared out of no were.
Accompanied by a harmonious serenade of the happy birthday song in Franglais, I swiftly blew out my candle. Then to my utter surprise I was handed two gift sacks. The first one containing a glitzy black wallet and the second one containing the coordinating purse. Followed by a sort of French congratulatory synchronized clap, for my level of French which they said no other exchange student from the club had ever achieved.

Picked out by my first host mother Amélie, I found both gifts to be quite splendorous. But above all the thought was what emotionally moved me as well as card signed by all the Rotary members present.Making a round of kisses to each and every Rotary affiliate ( my poor cheeks hurt after-wards) I received yet again more birthday wishes, as well as the USB card in which the pictures of the next blog post are taken off.

That concludes the second (and unexpected) part of of my 17th birthday as well as my presentation on Oregon.
A bientôt

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My 17th birthday part 1

First of all I want to take a moment to thank everyone. Thank you all for the phone calls, cards and messages that were sent to me for my birthday. I am grateful to have you all in my life.

Starting of the day like any other day I went to school.. only thing remarkable is the my French friend Louisiana had brought a little present for me and together we went to the pastry shop just before lunch (maybe not the best idea because we were uncomfortably full afterwards).
Later that evening I returned home from my classes and spoke with several of you nontabily my German friend Martha until the arrival of my host mother.
That night my host mother, Victorine made a chocolate cake and let me choose our meal. We then watched the film Amelie Poulain (which I found magnificent all though strange).

Below are the photos that were taken the day of my birthday.

Then as a present she presented me with a shirt I had picked out earlier in the week as a well as a ticket to see a spectacle 1789 les amants de la bastille.

Here are the pictures taken from that Saturday at the musical comedy:

Unfortunately the quality of the pictures are not great but what I was trying to capture was the essence of the moment and the beautifully detailed costumes. 

This was an especial memorable moment for me as I knew all the words to the song seeing it live was nearly breathtaking.

Now I am not sure if you all are familiar with the spectacle but it is truly a great spectacle and "very French" as it is based on the revolution.

Here is a glimpse if you wish at what the spectacle was like (as well as one of the well known songs),
simply click the link below:
Video / Song Translation

Once again thank you all for the birthday wishes and now if you wish onto part two of my birthday in France ;)