Sunday, April 7, 2013

Visit Le Mans - Musee Tesse

As I mentioned last week I was lucky enough to have my Italian "sister" visit. Arriving Monday evening to La Fèrte Bernard and leaving Saturday evening her visit came and went in a blink of an eye.  Unfortunately due to having school during her stay things were slightly complicated to coordinate (although she did go to some of my classes with me). 
Nevertheless, we did manage to do some sightseeing thanks to my host mothers gentle offer to take take us to the larges nearby city, Le Mans. The pictures that you will see below are of that Wednesday afternoon.

This enormous hour glass was once displayed in Paris (in 2005) and attracted millions of visitors. It now rests in the middle of the Parc de Tessé. Serving as an original piece of of art, it takes six months for the sand to sift through and is endlessly fascinating to watch. 

As you can see the well- kept cobbled streets and 15th-century timbered houses make for an interesting setting. It is no wonder why this was the filming location for the 1990 film Cyrano de Bergerac.

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