Monday, January 21, 2013

Exchange students and snow

Today Sunday the 20th of January, it snowed in not only La Ferte Bernard but just about everywhere in the North-West of France.

Vigilance météorologique entre le dimanche 20/01 à 16h05 et le lundi 21/01 à 16h00

As you can see I am placed right in the eye of the "storm".
Actually it is a bit funny you see because even in Albany, Oregon 8cm of snow will not get national coverage.

Luckily for me this means that I get a little break from school ( hopefully) tomorrow.
Not to add the opportunity to take lots of pretty pictures of our serine white dusted wonderland of a town.

Also today I just got back from a weekend with the current exchange students in France, the French students that will be leaving elsewhere for 2013-2014 school year and the returning out-bounds.

Now like most Rotary weekends not much was planned but I still had an exceptional time.
This was mainly thanks to for the first time having not only the current exchange students but also the others. Something that made things much more interesting, as I find that I am able to sympathize and relate to them more..

To finish of here are some pictures of the weekend
Hope everyone is staying nice and cozy

1 comment:

  1. Amussante. J'adore les chandeliers et tout le monde bien branché ��
