Wednesday, September 12, 2012

School Schedule / Past acvititys

Just a little update on my weekend past and this up coming week and weekend.
I will begin with last weekend :)
Last weekend I stayed at home with my family on Saturday and then on Sunday Damien (my current host dad)
had a half marathon race. I believe he finished 5th on the 21km race, pretty good for a guy with short legs..
Shortrly after this my family and I had a lovely pick-nick and went to a nearby town for some sight seeing.
In this town there was a charming bridge with architecture unique to a past unknown ( for me) time period.
It was a pleasant weekend although I did catch a bit of a cold.

This Monday I began my second week of school... um yeah I still haven't completely acclimated my self with this new schedule.

Here is a picture of my school schedule

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And because it is hard to read here is my course list and hours

7h45 – Espagnol LV2
8h45 -  Francais 1L
10h45- Travx Perso. Encadres
12h45 = Déjeuner
14h45- Histoire & Geograph.
16h45- Litter. Etrang. En LVE.
17h45 Fini !

7h45- Anglais LV Renforce
8h45- Histoire & Geograph.
10h30- Chimie / Sciences Vie & Terre
13h45- Espanol LV2
15h45- Accompagnemt Perso.
16h45- Litter. Etrang.
17h45- Fini !

7h45- Théâtre/ Vie De Classe
8h45-             / Anglais LV1
9h45-            /  Français 1L
11h45- Fini !

8h45- Histoire & Geograh.
9h45- Ed. Physique & Sport
13h45- Espagnol LV2
14h45- Français
15h45- Anglais LV Renforce
16h45- Anglais LV1

9h45- Anglais LV1
10h45- Littérature
12h45- Déjeuner
14h45- ED. Civiq.
15h45- Anglais LV Renforce
16h45- Litter. Etrang.
17h45- Fini !

To sum things up I have a lot of English quite a bit of Spanish and then some French..

And to top it of I will be adding another activity today. Can you guess what it could be?


   Ill end the suspense; synchronized swimming !
It will be my first time participating in this sport and because of this I will be placed with the younger kids
9-12 years old until I catch on and am able to "climb the ropes".
It is actually quite exciting starting this new activity today for many reasons, including that I am missing the practicality of an after school sport.

I also forgot to say that this weekend I will be making the trip to Le Mans ( the most culturally and financially important nearby city), with my next host mother;
the angelic Muriel Le Bris.
Our itinerary includes picking up another exchange student to watch a light show , taking a boat tour and the rest is a secret because I like surprises.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and weekend
A bientot,
Juliana Alvarez

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