Thursday, December 6, 2012

A little difference

Just got a postcard from California, from none other than my Grandparents :)
This means that the address that I posted on an earlier post is impeccable.

Now onto a cultural difference.
Not long ago I was at a bar with my host family and ordered lemonade.
You know an uncarbonated drink made from squeezed lemon juice, 

water and sugar. With the optional variation of strawberries or 

lemon slices added as a garnish.

However, little did I know that in France, "citronade" is used to 

refer to American-style lemonade. While "Limonade" refers to 

carbonated, lemon-flavoured, clear soft drinks(like Sprite or 7 up). 

Because of this I ended up with something I was completely not expecting so be warned even little things such a lemonade have a different interpretation in France.  

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