Sunday, December 23, 2012

Paris under the Gleam of Christmas lights

Salut a tous,

It is December 23 which means one important thing; that is one day from Christmas day.
This Christmas I will be spending the 24th with my first host family, by going to Church late in the afternoon and then eating ( the rest is still a mystery). Then the 25th I will come back mid day to join my current host family in the festivities.

On another note these past two weeks I have received a plethora of Christmas cards and packages from a bunch of you. Thank you so much to everyone. 

Tia Ana ya me he puesto el collar echo por Alitan y tengo puesto el pantaloncito en este momento.
Mami todo me quedo muy bien y las bolsitas estan listas para donar.
Abuelitos gracias por el dinero, use parte para comprar un nuevo vestido para la fiesta de nuevo ano. 
Y tambien por las tarjetas/cartas postales de navidad.
Martha Penzold, frohe Weihnachten für sie zu.

AND Amanda Flores, you little creeper. No just joking thank you for keeping up on me and I must say that your card was the most unexpected and man you put a lot of intricate detail into it. I found it very sweet and darling not to mention thoughtful. (by the way my host brother was impressed with your art skills)

I hope that everyone had my cards arrive.. but if not I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Now I am guessing that if you read my last post you might be interested to know if I will ever be able to go to Paris to see the illuminations.
Little did you know until know that I did get to go before Christmas. As a matter of fact, my host mother surprised me Friday night by asking me if I wanted to go to Paris the next day.
Of course I said yes (although I had to cancel my own invitation for my first host family to come over and make Christmas cookies) because you never know when an opportunity like that will come up again.

And so just a little past twelve o clock we left and headed on the highway to Paris.
In a little under three hours we made it and parked near the Champs Elysee.

Here is a journey of our day:

Started out by walking and looking at the shops on the Champs Elysee.

 In front of a supposedly well know night theater.

 At the end of the Champs Elysee you find the much anticipated Marche de Noel.

 Ooohhh champs Elysee! Para ra ra

 The Eiffel tower in all its illuminated beauty. And then us..

 We took the tour bus from the Eiffel tower just until Notre Dame cathedral to avoid the long walk.
In the rain..

 Arrived at Notre- Dame Cathedral
Which turned out to be my highlight. The architecture is awes-trucking and I could almost imagine Casimoto   swinging from beam to beam. Also as we arrived the mass had just began which just made it all even more splendorous.

Ended the night of with seeing the windows of the Galeria Laffayette

That was it after the vitrines my host mother got us lost and we had to walk for an hour to get back to the car. All in all a superb day I cant wait to go back later for everything else there is to see ..

 I hope that everyone will enjoy their holidays many hugs and kisses


Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas in France

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas! All over town!!

Actually it really is in my town all the Christmas lights have been put up and there is American Christmas music playing from speakers around downtown. It even snowed last week.

Today is the last Monday I have school for the rest of 2012 and I just got back from the weekend with the other exchange students in Bourges.
Bourges is a city that is about 4 hours away from me but close to everyone else in my district.
Anyhow we had a tour of the old quarter of town. However, because it was pouring they told as that we could walk around if we wanted and do some shopping.
This was quite appreciated as there was a Christmas market which was incredibly adorable and
I could have stayed at all day if given the chance.
I mean it was just gorgeous the little stands that a variety of merchants put up.

Although I really wish I could see one of the marche noels in Paris before the new year
( which is not going to happen because I have no transportation)
But hopefully we will go with my host family during the Christmas vacations if I am lucky.
I guess I shouldn't complain but I really wanted to go to Paris and see all the Christmas vitrines and decorations :(

O well we will see how it turns out
I will add photos soon when I find the time
Have a good week everyone and work hard the year is almost over ;0)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A little difference

Just got a postcard from California, from none other than my Grandparents :)
This means that the address that I posted on an earlier post is impeccable.

Now onto a cultural difference.
Not long ago I was at a bar with my host family and ordered lemonade.
You know an uncarbonated drink made from squeezed lemon juice, 

water and sugar. With the optional variation of strawberries or 

lemon slices added as a garnish.

However, little did I know that in France, "citronade" is used to 

refer to American-style lemonade. While "Limonade" refers to 

carbonated, lemon-flavoured, clear soft drinks(like Sprite or 7 up). 

Because of this I ended up with something I was completely not expecting so be warned even little things such a lemonade have a different interpretation in France.