Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Class / Mail

Here is a photo of my class, Premier Literature.
Taken during one of our many English classes.

As you can see we mostly girls:)

That is it for this post but if you would like a personal letter or postcard sent to you
then just leave your address in a comment below (or send it to me privately by e-mail to  and I will try my best to make your special piece of mail arrive :)

And just below here are some letters that I have already sent a few weeks ago and all arrived!!
Proof that the French mail system is not completely dysfunctional. (took of the picture for the sake of address identity).

Oh and by the way I have also recently received a card from my good friend Hailey Clark and from my parents.
Than you very much for your little piece of Oregon.
( I would also like to give a big thank you to my friend Martha Penzold, who sent a card that sadly never arrived)

So feel more than free to send me a post card or letter to this address.

Juliana Alvarez- Famille HUET
La Sauge
Route de Preval
La Ferte Bernard


It truly makes my day and will make me think of you for days to come.
While expanding my post card collection ;)

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