My final Itinerary arrived by Fed Ex a few days ago.
Meaning that I am yet another step closer to my year in France.
This is the information that I received
On August 27th at 1:25 PM I will leave through Portland, Oregon and arrive at Amsterdam at 8:30 AM on August 28th.
From there I will board the 10:45AM flight to Paris/ DEGAULLE FRANCE and if everything goes as expected land at 12:00N.
Did I mention that because I am going on my exchange through Rotary I will be accompanied and even met by students on each step of the way.
Yes! I will begin the trip with five other exchange students from the nearby area and finish with 11 other students from around the world. (=^.^=)/
Miss you Juli. Que bueno que te este gustando Francia. Un abrazo y besitos por aqui de parte de todos los Hicker Palacios.