Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goodbye- Family

Well Hello :)

Just came back from Los Cabos Mexico, in which I enjoyed a brief vacation with my immediate family and my grandparents.
Sadly I wasn't able to bring my dog Snoopy but I did get kisses from other animals.
Like this one

Yeah I know lucky me.
But what really mattered was saying goodbye for now to my grandparents and of course relaxing a bit.
I cannot say that I am not glad to be back home though and this is mainly contributed to the fact that our weather is much more welcoming to those like me who do not enjoy extreme humidity and heat.
Bye Bye

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Final Itinerary

 My final Itinerary arrived by Fed Ex a few days ago.
 Meaning that I am yet another step closer to my year in France.

This is the information that I received

On August 27th at 1:25 PM I will leave through Portland, Oregon and arrive at Amsterdam at 8:30 AM on August 28th.
From there I will board the 10:45AM flight to Paris/ DEGAULLE FRANCE and if everything goes as expected land at 12:00N.

Did I mention that because I am going on my exchange through Rotary I will be accompanied and even met by students on each step of the way.
Yes! I will begin the trip with five other exchange students from the nearby area and finish with 11 other students from around the world. (=^.^=)/

American Bow Pins

It is official! I have been initiated into the long standing tradition followed by Rotarians worldwide; covering distinctly dark blue blazers with pins and patches.
During our year as exchange students we are to trade with other students or buy these little keepsakes as evidence of our exchange.

Here is a picture I found on the internet of such a blazer 
(It is hard to find any empty space hugh?)

 In order to be able to take part of this little fiasco I created the following American Bow pin along with a tutorial for any of you idea stealers out there. :)

Here is a not so good photo of my friend Martha sporting one of my pins before her return to Germany, and I am the one on the left..

-To begin:
I bought inch and half wide, wire lined ribbon from Joann’s. This was easy to find because Fourth of July was nearing the horizon, if this is not the case I
suggest you purchase this item online.
-I then cut the wire into inch long pieces. 
-Bent downwards to create an arc.
-Cut an about 4 inches of 1/4 inch white ribbon and loop tied it around the flag ribbon. 
 -Then flipped over and laced a safety pin in the back .
and wabooomm all finished!
·         Although I later found out that by adding a dot of hot glue
to the back of the pin, the whole creation has a greater chance at staying as one.

Hope you enjoyed my itsy bitsy post and feel free too check up on me later in my year